What do you need to know?
Add ZoomSounds MP3 Player
We are using a paid plugin called ZoomSounds Player. (It is completely unrelated to Zoom video conferencing).
Add the ZoomPlayer block
You can add a ZoomSounds block either by typing a backslash in a blank paragraph block and start to type “zoo”. Then click on ZoomPlayer.
Or you can click on the black plus button and type the same:
Once you have the block added, it will look like this:
The block itself is inside the yellow box. The settings panel on the right is in the red box.
The only thing that is required for the block to work is to upload or find an mp3 file in the library. Do this by clicking the Upload song
button. Once it is uploaded or selected from the library, it will look like this:
If you publish at this point you will end up with the most basic player:
Add title and image
If you want a title to appear, you will need to add that in the block.
If you want a thumbnail/album art, you can click Select another upload
button in the settings panel. It won’t show the image, just the url address for the file.
Now the player will look like this:
Add download button and counters, etc
If you would like to show a download button, download count, play count, you will have to turn those on in the right settings panel:
Now the player will look like this
Add a background colour
If you would like to have a background colour behind the player, you can add a Container Block by Stackable™.
It will look like this:
Now click and hold the six dot icon ⁝⁝ …
And drag it into the container block
Now by changing the container settings, you can give it a background colour: